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000502_owner-lightwave-l _Sun Feb 26 08:32:10 1995.msg
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From: justin.barrett@tenforwd.bbs.net (Justin Barrett)
Subject: Shorter help message?
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 08:13:00 GMT
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To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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I noticed the response to the plea made by Ted Stethem, and gathered some
valuable information from it. I'd like to pose a similar question, but
from a very different viewpoint.
I, too, would like to start doing freelance animations w/ Lightwave. My
problem is that I am 23, with a minimal part-time job, and no patience!
My only access to Lightwave has been through our local college's Video
Production class. I've gained A LOT just from the 6 months or so I've
been using LW, and to put it simply, I'm HOOKED on animation! (This is
where the impatience kicks in.....)
I WANT TO ANIMATE! BIG TIME! My only stumbling block is FINANCES. I've
not yet been able to grow past my seven-year-old A500 for that very
reason. What little growth I *have* been able to do has barely kept me up
with "the pack", and I'm still missing some essential items, like a hard
drive, a decent monitor, and ample RAM.
I hope this doesn't sound like one big complaint. It's more of a plea for
suggestions and counsel. What can I do? Where do I start? Where can I
get the $$$ to do it?
* Q-Blue 1.0 *